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More Behavioural Economics: Drink-Driving

Ben Cahill

27th June 2012

On a class trip to an advertising and media company today, we were shown an ad campaign that bore a strong resemblance to the Smoking Kids campaign that Geoff blogged about a few days ago.

In this case it was the idea that if people were reminded about the consequences of driving drunk then they would be less like to do so. In particular, people were not prepared to let someone else drive their car if they were drunk so were (hopefully) less likely to do so themselves.

A bit of further investigation showed that the two adverts were made by the same agency - Ogilvy and Mather, but looks like there was a bit of sharing of ideas across continents. The “Smoking Kids” advert was from Thailand, this one came from Brazil.

July 2012 update:

This news report looks at some of the toughest drink-driving laws in the world - introduced into the kingdom of Nepal

Ben Cahill

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