In the News

Lockdown data

Peter McGinn

23rd June 2020

An article published in The Sunday Times this week highlighted some interesting data relating to changes in consumption patterns due to the coronavirus.

Geoff's blog entry explores in detail the GDP statistics that were released two weeks ago and we are all well aware of the sudden explosion in demand for toilet paper in late March!

An interesting discussion point, when back in the classroom or online, is therefore what other products and services saw a sudden change in demand and what are the long term economic implications, if any, of these changes?

The following activity, based on the data in the Sunday Times article, can be used with students to develop some contextual awareness. Learners are required to match 8 pieces of statistical data to the economic changes (primarily to demand) that have been caused by the government restrictions put in place due to the coronavirus crisis. Be quick - 2 minute time cap!

Peter McGinn

Subject Leader for Business and Economics in a North East school. Moderator and examiner.

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