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Job Vacancy - Head of Economics at Rishworth School (West Yorks)

Jim Riley

10th November 2014

An exciting opportunity here to become Head of Economics at Rishworth School. All the details below. Please note the deadline of Wednesday 19 November 2014.

Job Title: Head of Economics

School / College Name: Rishworth School

School / College Location: Rishworth, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire

Salary Level: On application

Description of the Job

Responsible to:

The Headmaster through appropriate line managers (such as Heads of Department and Heads of School Section)

Responsible for:

The maintenance of high standards of work, attitude, personal presentation and behaviour generally in the School, the safeguarding and promotion of pupils’ welfare, and the management of the Form, Form Room, subject teaching and subject areas: this involves teaching duties and non-teaching duties as are reasonably expected with regard to the functions listed below.


There follows a list which is not exhaustive but which is intended to be a helpful reference and to be an indicator both of the detail and of the spirit of what is required. The Contract of Employment states what in general terms is required of a teacher (called ‘Assistant Teacher’ in the Contract). This job description, specifying certain particular duties which are to be exercised and completed in a satisfactory manner, forms the basis of all further job descriptions and spheres of responsibility and should be read in conjunction with other relevant documentation (such as that on Tutoring, Sixth Form Tutoring and the Role of the Co-ordinating Tutor).

Included as Particular Duties

To manage as required a Form Room and a Form according to School Policy. To be responsible, as required, for a Form of pupils in all aspects of their development, including their individual and collective pastoral care (and, as required, aspects of their Personal, Social and Health Education) and their academic progress. To put into practice school and departmental policy, including the planning and implementation of the curriculum. To help foster the School’s Christian ethos, and to support actively and maintain consistently and fairly the School’s established codes and discipline policy. To plan, prepare and implement the curriculum in the subjects for which the Assistant Teacher has responsibility, including the setting and marking of homework as appropriate. To take an active part in curriculum development. To accept and efficiently discharge a measure of administrative responsibility, as appropriate. To engage in such supervisory activities as may be reasonably required. To undertake professional development as part of a continuous process of career progress. To act as a member of the staff team in general school life. To make a reasonable contribution to the broader life of the School, including boarding. Main Roles Attributable to the Particular Duties

1. Form Room Organisation and Curriculum Implementation

(a) To manage the Form Room, classes and pupils in such a way as to provide a suitable learning environment.

(b) To plan, prepare and provide appropriate learning experiences making full use of the resources available, all such planning to be based on the agreed and published curriculum policies, schemes of work and other such papers that are provided from time to time.

(c) To apply 1(b) to the specific subject areas for which the teacher holds responsibility.

(d) To prepare, arrange and run educational visits as part of the overall planning for the area of learning, as may be appropriate.

(e) To bring to the attention of the Headmaster pupils with perceived particular educational needs and to the attention of an appropriate senior colleague any pupil who has persistently or severely fallen short of accepted standards of behaviour, attitude, personal presentation or work.

(f) As a subject teacher and as a Form Tutor, to take time, repeatedly if necessary, to talk with, listen to, counsel, encourage, support, guide and closely monitor those individual pupils whose work, conduct, personal presentation or attitude suggest they would benefit from such action.

(g) To maintain updated displays of pupils' work clearly, attractively and effectively in the Form Room, relevant teaching areas and around the School in such a way as to raise awareness and pupil esteem.

(h) To plan and teach units of work in accordance with departmental schemes of work and to evaluate the effectiveness of this planning and teaching.

(i) To correct pupils' school work and homework in a reasonable time and in accordance with school and departmental policy.

(j) To prepare and administer tests/examinations and key stage assessments as appropriate.

(k) As a Form Tutor and subject teacher, to maintain thorough and up-to-date personal and official records of pupils' development, and to inform promptly, and copy systematically pertinent records to, those who need to know (e.g. School Office central files, (other) Tutors, Heads of School Section, Boarding House Staff).

(l) To write reports and to implement where appropriate formal monitoring procedures (such as Report Cards and Individual Programmes of Study).

(m) As a Form Tutor, to act as individual pupils’ parents’/guardians’ first point of contact with the School, to initiate contact with same as often as is desirable, to keep records of all such contacts, to liaise as necessary in such matters with the relevant Head of School Section (and, where appropriate, Boarding House Staff) and to ensure that the Headmaster approves beforehand any written communication sent to persons outside the School.

2. General Professional Responsibilities

a) To assist in maintaining discipline throughout the School consistently and in accordance with school policy.

b) To respect and implement school policy generally, referring as necessary to policy and policy-type documents, and to comply willingly with reasonable requests made by senior colleagues.

c) To make a reasonable contribution to the broader life of the School, including boarding, the organisation of and/or participation in out-of-class clubs, societies and activities, and assistance with, attendance at and support of team, house, year and school events and functions, as well as events relevant to the age-group(s) for which Tutorial or other particular responsibility is held - e.g. Chapel Services, sport, music and drama events.

d) To provide supervisory duties as reasonably requested, in and out of classes.

e) To support and attend school functions and school and departmental/sectional meetings, including Assemblies, staff meetings, parents' meetings, Open Events and INSET days.

f) To be alive to new perspectives and possibilities and to how further improvements may be made in school, and to be prepared to share with an appropriate senior colleague any constructive thoughts for the possible betterment of the School.

g) To work cooperatively with colleagues and to be generally positive, helpful, supportive and committed.

h) To be sensitive to the feelings of others, to respect confidentiality and to inspire trust.

i) To seek and use every opportunity to promote the School and its good reputation.

3. Professional Development

a) To support and attend staff meetings and support school initiatives

b) To maintain personal professional development - e.g. by keeping constantly abreast of curricular and other educational changes and by attending such courses/seminars as are available and appropriate, including school-focused INSET.

c) To be prepared to join working parties and committees.

d) To undertake professional self-assessment and appraisal and to meet targets set for the next period.

e) To be constantly self-appraising with a view to further improvement.

4. Administration

a) As a Tutor, to maintain attendance registers and follow up instances of pupil lateness and absence in accordance with school policy.

b) As a Tutor, to inspect tutees’ Student Planners at least once a week and take any action and follow-up action that may be appropriate.

c) With the exception of part-time staff, to meet the following expectation and set a broader example regarding being at school: generally to be present during the working day from at least 8.30am.

d) To be present for any duties, extra-curricular activities, meetings, functions, events, etc. which may fall outside ‘normal working hours’ and at which attendance may be reasonably required.

e) To undertake administrative duties as may be reasonably required.

f) To support home-school relationships and to liaise with parents as appropriate (see 1.l above).

g) To provide assistance in the smooth running of the School as may reasonably be expected.

Further information:

Closing Date for Applications: Wednesday 19 November 2014

Interview Dates To Be Advised

Contact Name for Applications: Liz Newman

Email Address for Applications:

Telephone Number for Further Information 01422 822217

Address for Postal Applications

Rishworth School Oldham Road, Rishworth HX6 4QA, United Kingdom

School / College Web Site *

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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