Teaching activity

Introduction to Economics - this 'Horse Racing' Activity is Under Starters Orders!

Jonny Clark

27th August 2019

Here's a short starter activity to help create engagement and stimulate discussion during one of your first lessons with new Economics students.

In each of the four questions, students are presented with five possible answers. They must choose the 'winner' of the race - i.e. the correct answer!

After the correct answer is revealed, a further question appears on the screen to stimulate discussion. As this is a powerpoint file, feel free to edit these additional questions.

The four questions asked cover government spending, unemployment, wealth and exports.

This is the second in our short series of activities for Economics teachers delivering their first lessons for new students this September.

Download the 'Introduction to Economics' activity here.

Jonny Clark

Jon Clark has been teaching economics and business studies for over 25 years primarily in the Further Education sector. Before joining tutor2u, he was a senior manager at South Cheshire College in Crewe.

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