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Christmas quizzes

Penny Brooks

15th December 2014

If you are stuck for an idea for the last lesson of term, here are two possibilities. Ian Stewart's Deloitte Monday Briefing this week has a Christmas quiz, with a range of questions which covers, as they put it "a wide-ranging test of knowledge, from the most popular activities during conference calls to the price of Christmas puddings." It has some reasonably serious content, so can give a bit of an excuse for use during an economics lesson.Secondly, have a look at this 20-question interactive quiz from the Engaged Learner blog. It has questions about Christmas songs and films, so you can use it as it is as a fun session at the end of a lesson. Alternatively, borrowing an idea from WOW Economics, you can blank out the questions and answers on slide 2 and put your students in two teams; each team writes their own set of questions and answers about the topics they have covered this term, during the first half of the lesson, then sets the quiz for the other team in the second half. You could add to the festive competition by giving each team 20 sweets at the start; for each question they get right, they keep a sweet, but for each one they get wrong, they have to give a sweet to the other team!

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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