In the News

Carbon shift - ​65% of new cars bought in Norway are electric

Graham Watson

6th January 2022

65% of new cars bought in Norway are electric. You might be surprised that an oil producer is so keen to encourage electric car take-up.

However, the government has exempted electric cars from many of the taxes associated with owning a car; additionally, it's also relatively affluent, and the government has spent a great deal in providing a well-developed electric car infrastructure. The aim is to halt petrol and diesel car sales by 2025.

Meanwhile, back in the UK....

An oddity: here is a story featuring both demand and supply factors: the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) report a rise in demand for electric cars but also note that supply chain problems - with computer chips - is still affecting the market.

They also note that the UK is still lacking electric car infrastructure to support the adoption of these vehicles.

Electric cars hit 65% of Norway sales in 2021

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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