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Assessing the predicted impact of climate change

Ruth Tarrant

13th November 2015

I like this map visualisation (below) from the Independent showing which countries are most at risk from climate change - the neat thing about this risk assessment is that it is based on two key variables. The first variable is a measurement of a country's vulnerability to climate change - this could be affected, for example, by geographical location and the use of land. The second variable is a measurement of a country's readiness to cope with climate change - this could be affected by the diversity of economic activity, the level of GDP, and the quality of governance, for example.

Ruth Tarrant

Ruth has been Subject Lead in Economics at tutor2u for many years after a career of teaching Economics, Business, Politics and Maths in a range of secondary schools. She is a highly experienced A level Economics Examiner, and also teaches undergraduate Economics on a very part-time basis at the University of Oxford. Ruth is passionate about making economics fun, engaging and accessible.

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