Topic Videos

Globalisation and Educational Policy

A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 11 Nov 2019

The impact of increasing globalisation on UK education policy is explored in this topic video.

Globalisation and Educational Policy


Globalisation refers to the idea that in recent decades the world has become more interconnected; the idea of a "global village". This is said to have happened economically (through transnational corporations and global institutions like the World Bank), politically, socially and culturally. Modern technology means that communication and travel around the world is easier than ever. Education has been impacted by globalisation as schools and education systems now compete on a global league table rather than just local or national competition. For example, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development publish a yearly report which details where each country falls within a global league table.

Globalisation has also had a major impact on the UK economy, so the sorts of jobs that the education system needs to prepare people for has changed and, arguably, the system has to change to meet this. Furthermore, education policy is increasingly influenced by policies that have proved successful in other parts of the world.

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