Teaching activity

UK School Closure

Sarah Best

23rd March 2020

Each of the blog posts this week will contain a link to Covid-19 and how different communities and countries are dealing with controlling/containing the spread of the virus.

It was announced on March 18th that all in the UK schools would be closed from Friday 20th. Schools have been requested to put in place support for parents who are classed as key workers; for example, nurses, teachers, member of the police force.

Many schools around the world have already adopted software to help facilitate online teaching and learning. This longread article discusses the relative success of technology in replacing face-to-face interactions.

This article would be useful for the Education unit as well as The Media.

Sarah Best

Sarah is a passionate full-time Head of Sociology and Psychology and has worked in a variety in schools in the UK, and she is currently working in a British international school. She is keen to develop and boost the profile of both subjects.

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