In the News

Troll Factory

Sarah Best

4th November 2019

Facebook recently announced that they had removed a number of accounts in Africa linked to a Russian troll factory.

The accounts are linked to Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian businessman who is believed to be behind some of the accounts linked to boosting Donald Trumps profile during the 2016 US Presidential campaign.

Facebook removed the accounts on Wednesday 30th October and it has suspended a network of Instagram accounts that were also allegedly connected to the Internet Research Agency (a company based in Russia).

This article could be used for both the Crime and Deviance unit, as well as Media with links to cybercrime, state crime, white collar crime and the use of the internet.

Sarah Best

Sarah is a passionate full-time Head of Sociology and Psychology and has worked in a variety in schools in the UK, and she is currently working in a British international school. She is keen to develop and boost the profile of both subjects.

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