Teaching activity

Facebook showed this ad to 95% women. Is that a problem?

Sarah Best

27th August 2020

The issues related to computer algorithms has been highlighted recently with the release of examination results in the UK. This video examines how algorithms target people on social media.

As the video information describes: 'In 2019, Facebook settled a lawsuit with civil rights groups following the revelation that advertisers using their platform could use the targeting options to exclude many specific demographics from seeing their ads. It's now more difficult for an unscrupulous advertiser to use Facebook's platform to discriminate'.

This video could be used for The Media (the new media and their significance for an understanding of the role of the media in contemporary society)

Sarah Best

Sarah is a passionate full-time Head of Sociology and Psychology and has worked in a variety in schools in the UK, and she is currently working in a British international school. She is keen to develop and boost the profile of both subjects.

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