Study Notes

IB Psychology IA HL Exemplar: Results (Descriptive)


Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Below is an example of a Results (Descriptive) section for an exemplar IB Psychology Internal Assessment (Higher Level).

Results (Descriptive)

The data obtained was quasi-interval. There was no way of telling if each word was equally difficult to remember, and therefore no certainty that the raw data is equally spaced. However, because the words were two-syllable nouns in common use in the English language, they should have been equally well remembered, and there were no extreme outliers, and so the mean was calculated. The standard deviation was calculated to show the dispersion around the mean, being the measure of dispersion that is best used with the mean. Group A (disfluent group) remembered a mean of 19.6 words, with a SD of 2.76. Group B (fluent group) remembered a mean of 17.5 words, with a SD of 2.17. (For raw data and calculations, see Appendix G).

Table of results showing the differences in the number of words recalled between the disfluent and fluent groups

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