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Q&A from AQA: The Biological Approach

Below you will find a question and response from AQA in relation to: The Biological Approach.


Do students need to know about the influence of the nervous system/neurotransmitters on behaviour?


In the context of the Approaches section of the new specification "Biological structures " refers to structures of the divisions of the nervous system - CNS, ANS somatic NS, endocrinal system. This would include the brain (lobes, limbic system) spinal cord, glands and organs responsible for the actions of ANS, somatic system and endocrinal system.

In the Approaches section we are drawing attention to the way in which the various approaches can be used to explain, treat, study behaviour. Thus, for the biological approach, we would expect students to know that genes, structure, and chemistry have various effects on behaviour which are studied by biopsychologists and this knowledge can sometimes be used to treat behaviour. We are only expecting knowledge of a general sense that they 'do have an influence on behaviour' although examples are always helpful in teaching.

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