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Psychology on the box…Week beginning 7th December

Jim Riley

7th December 2014

Domestic abuse and nudity are both in this week's offerings.....

Panorama ( Monday, 8.30 BBC1) covers domestic violence this week, which could provide a possible resource if you are covering the aggression topic. It could equally be used to apply the approaches. However, all reviews suggest some harrowing footage so you may only want to show clips. There is always the potential that it could be a bit ' close to home' for some students. The programme does however also cover non violent domestic abuse, which may be relevant to defining crime on the new AQA specification. It seems likely that it will become a crime so this could offer a good stimulus for debate perhaps?

Thursday evening on More4 provides some potential in terms of behaviour that can be applied to the approaches. There are two programmes which may be of interest 'The Naked Village' at 9pm, followed closely by 'My Daughter the Teenage Nudist' at 10pm. Both these programmes look at naturist behaviour but it may be that your students will find the behaviour of the teenage naturists more interesting. What makes someone decide that they want to walk around naked? Which approach would would best explain this behaviour? It could provoke some interesting debate ( particularly with these chilly days and night).....Brrrrrrr.....

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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