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Detecting Misinformation Can Actually Improve Memory

Joseph Sparks

3rd January 2017

A-Level students are well-rehearsed when it comes to the effects of ‘misleading information’ on the accuracy of EWT. However, recent research suggests that misinformation can actually boost memory.

Putnam et al. (2016, pg. 1) explain: ‘Misinformation led to improved recognition of the original event when subjects detected and remembered a change between the original event and the post-event information…In the case of more memorable details, providing misinformation can actually facilitate later recollection of the original events.’

Why not use Putnam et al. when evaluating the effect of misleading information on the accuracy of EWT? To read the full article, click here.

Reference: Putnam, A. L., Sungkhasettee, V. W., & Roediger, H. L. (2016). When misinformation improves memory: The effects of recollecting change. Psychological Science, 0956797616672268.

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Joseph Sparks

Joseph is a Subject Advisor for Psychology at tutor2u. He is an experienced Psychology & Music Teacher, Writer, Examiner and Presenter. He is currently completing a Professional Doctorate in Education and is passionate about the impact of technology on teaching and learning.

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