In the News

GE24: where do young voters stand?

Mike McCartney

27th June 2024

Quite a good article and news clip to use as classroom stimulus on voting behaviour for this demographic

And this from the Guardian is full of facts and figures to plunder.

Questions on the article

1. What factors are contributing to the growth of smaller parties among young UK voters?

2. How does economic insecurity impact the voting choices of young people in the UK?

3. Why are young UK voters showing apathy towards mainstream political parties?

4. What strategies could be implemented to engage young voters more effectively in the political process?

5. How do smaller parties appeal to young voters compared to traditional mainstream parties?

6. What role does social media play in shaping the political views and decisions of young UK voters?

7. What is the author's stance on the influence of economic factors on the voting behaviour of young people in the UK?

Correct answers

1. Economic insecurity and apathy towards mainstream parties.

2. Economic insecurity leads to a desire for change and alternative options.

3. Young voters feel disconnected from mainstream parties due to perceived lack of representation or relevance.

4. Implementing youth-focused policies, engaging with young voters through social media, and addressing issues that directly affect them.

5. Smaller parties often offer fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and greater alignment with the values of young voters.

6. Social media provides a platform for smaller parties to reach and engage with young voters directly, bypassing traditional media channels.

7. The author suggests that economic factors such as job prospects and financial stability significantly influence the voting decisions of young people in the UK.

Mike McCartney

Mike is an experienced A-Level Politics teacher, author and examiner.

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