In the News
Can Kamala capture the White House?
29th July 2024
Does the VP has what it takes in key swing states?
Some lead-in questions
1. Do you think America is ready for a female President?
2. How do you feel about the attacks on Kamala Harris by Donald Trump and JD Vance?
3. What do you believe is the biggest issue for voters in the upcoming election?
4. Do you think Kamala Harris can rebuild Barack Obama's Coalition of Voters?
5. How do you think the younger voting base will impact the outcome of the election?
Questions based on the video
1. What are some differing reactions to Kamala Harris's candidacy in Ohio?
2. How does Kamala Harris describe her campaign message at a black sorority event in Indiana?
3. Why are Democrats still haunted by Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016 according to the video transcript?
4. How have Republicans attacked Kamala Harris professionally and personally?
5. What demographic groups does Kamala Harris seem to be gaining support from, based on early polling?
6. What is the main issue concerning voters in Butler County outside Cincinnati?
7. How do voters in Butler County feel about Kamala Harris and her track record?
Correct answers
1. In Ohio, there are mixed reactions to Kamala Harris's candidacy, with some expressing confidence while others show scepticism.
2. Kamala Harris describes her campaign message as focusing on freedom - specifically, freedom to vote and a woman's right to choose.
3. Democrats are still haunted by Hillary Clinton's loss in 2016 because they fear Americans may be less receptive to a female president now than they were back then.
4. Republicans have criticized Kamala Harris for being dangerously liberal on illegal immigration and have made personal attacks on her, such as questioning her decision not to have children.
5. Early polling suggests that Kamala Harris is gaining support among black voters, women, and young voters.
6. The main issue concerning voters in Butler County is the economy, particularly the need to bring gas prices down.
7. Voters in Butler County have mixed feelings about Kamala Harris, acknowledging her experience but also criticizing her as part of the problem and lacking in certain areas.
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