Topic Videos

Scatter Graphs Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 8 Aug 2017

Scatter graphs are used to determine if two sets of data are linked in some way. This type of link is called correlation. These videos will look at how to construct a scatter graph and then how to use the graph to find a line of best fit which would describe what type of correlation there is between the sets of data. You will also learn how to use this line to make estimates for missing pieces of data.

Corbett Maths brings us a video showing how to construct a scatter graph, line of best fit, identify correlation and use the line of best fit to estimate another value.

Scatter Graphs - Corbettmaths

Jack Brown describes the three types of correlation that you may be required to identify. He also suggest possible data sets which would give rise to each type of correlation.

GCSE Maths from Scratch 11.05 Scatter Graphs: Understanding Correlation

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