Topic Videos

Completing The Square Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

It's name confuses many, but Completing The Square is just another technique for solving quadratics that can't be solved directly. You may be asked to use this technique in the exam so you need to know how to do it. Here's some videos we've found that explain the topic nicely.

Completing The Square for beginners

Yay Math shares his Maths class with us, so you get to hear the questions of the class which are likely to be the same questions you would want to ask yourself. Three basic examples are given, ideal for someone seeing this topic for the first time.

Algebra - Completing the square (YayMath)

Three examples, three different types of question

Nancy takes us through three types of question that you might encounter on your test. The examples get gradually harder.

How to Solve by Completing the Square (Mathbff)

A more complex example

Patrick takes us for a quick look at something more complex. Not for the fainthearted this one, be prepared to pause the video and rewind here and there!

Completing the Square Example (PatrickJMT)

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