Study Notes

Physical Changes in Later Adulthood (65+ years)

BTEC National

Last updated 23 Sept 2022

As individuals age, the likelihood of infections and diseases increases. This can be because of changes to organs such as the heart and the musculoskeletal system. Along with this stamina, strength and suppleness starts to decline, alongside mobility and use of fine motor skills that control coordination and dexterity.

Examples of Physical Changes

  • Stamina, strength and suppleness start to decline
  • Mobility becomes more of a challenge
  • Difficulties with fine motor skills that control coordination and dexterity
  • Skin loses elasticity, resulting in wrinkles
  • Hearing loss
  • Greying and thinning of hair
  • Eyesight deteriorates
  • Hair loss.
  • Difficulty with gross motor skills

Impact of Ageing

  • During later adulthood, an individual may experience a deterioration in their cognitive ability. Ageing influences how the individual processes information which affects their memory and recall of information.
  • The older population are more likely to suffer falls because of a deterioration in mobility and balance. Senses also start to deteriorate which results in poor sight and hearing.
  • However, there is an increase in the UK of people in later adulthood taking up gentle exercise to combat illness and keep in physical shape. Swimming and taking part in gentle circuit exercise can help maintain good heart health and coordination. Exercise also improves positive mental health and increases social interaction.
  • The improved understanding, we now have about food and nutrition ensures that people within later adulthood can sustain a healthy lifestyle. The combination of exercise and diet can result in longevity.

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