In the News

Brain Health Check-In

Liz Blamire

19th January 2023

Yesterday, the BBC reported on a tool developed by Alzheimer's Research UK that acts as a brain 'check up' and provides tips on keeping your brain sharp and how to stay socially connected - factors associated with reduced dementia risk. Such was demand for access to the tool, that the website crashed and Alzheimer's Research UK have had to temporarily remove the tool from their website!

You can read more about the tool here - Dementia: Brain check-up tool aims to cut risk at any age

Alzheimer's Research UK carry out regular research into public perceptions of dementia and their latest statistics reveal that many people are fearful of dementia.

However, people remain unaware of how to reduce their risk. The latest evidence suggests that up to 40% of all cases of dementia are linked to factors we may be able to influence ourselves - such as smoking, alcohol and diet related cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Yet just a third (33%) of UK adults think it’s possible for people to reduce their risk. Women are less likely to think it’s possible to influence their dementia risk than men (30% compared to 37%).

You can view a summary of the main findings of Wave 2 of the Dementia Attitudes Monitor here - Public attitudes towards dementia

To find out when the Brain Health Check-In is re-released, follow Alzheimer's Research UK on Twitter.

Liz Blamire

Liz is the tutor2u subject lead for Health & Social Care. She is a former NHS midwife, an SSAT Accredited Lead Practitioner, who has taught Health & Social Care in FE and secondary schools. Liz has extensive experience in qualification development, assessment writing, examining and moderation, and is a textbook author. Liz has an MEd in Inclusion and Special Educational Needs.

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