Research Focus: The "DeFat" study
A recent BBC news story caught my attention: Man given months to live becomes liver transplant pioneer
The article describes how a 58-year-old man with liver cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty...

Safety concerns over hospital care of adults with learning disabilities
On the 1st October 2023 a new organisation was established called the Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB). It describes itself as 'a fully independent arm’s length body of the...

Job Profile: Dietetic Assistant
Dietetic assistants work with dieticians and the dietetic team, to support individuals with dietary and nutrition problems.

Weekend watching: Amputating Alice
This documentary on Channel 4 - Amputating Alice - is the story of British Paralympian swimmer Alice Tai.

Mixmups and the importance of disability representation
Last week a new children's TV show started on Channel 5s Milkshake slot called Mixmups, which is discussed in this BBC news article: Mixmups: Behind the scenes with the disabled stop motion...

Research focus: Children in foster care feel safe where they live
On 19th October 2023, Ofsted published results of their annual survey asking children and young people about their experiences of children’s social care.

Rhod Gilbert: A Pain in the Neck
In 2022, comedian and TV presenter Rhod Gilbert was diagnosed with cancer. He decided to film his journey. This documentary for SU2C (Stand Up to Cancer), is a very honest and emotional and also...

Job Profile: Advocacy Worker
Advocacy means giving an individual support to help them express their views and wishes, and help them to stand up for their rights. Someone who helps an individual in this way is called an advocate.

Chicken soup: Cold cure or claptrap?
You may have heard that chicken soup is good for the soul. Or perhaps your mum or gran makes you chicken soup if you are sick. In fact, chicken soup and all its variations is recommended in various...

Why clock changes are difficult when you have dementia
At the weekend we changed the time - we moved from British Summer Time (BST) back to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Did it have much of an impact on you? Perhaps you appreciated the extra hour in bed...

Research focus: The maternal mental health experiences of young mums
Earlier this month ‘The Maternal Mental Health Experiences of Young Mums’ report was published , shining a light on the urgent needs of young mums in the UK.

Why we need a Women's Health Strategy
Last week I was lucky enough to attend a book signing and Q&A with Dr Nighat Arif. Dr Arif is a GP that specialises in women's health - you may recognise her from TV, as she regularly appears...

Job Profile: Call Handler/Emergency Medical Dispatcher
Working as part of the ambulance service, call handlers and emergency medical dispatchers deal with emergency calls from the public and make sure that the right help reaches people as soon as...

Why being bilingual is good for your brain
Happy Friday, especially if you are bilingual!

The power of exercise: The Stammer PT
Do you follow the Stammer PT on TikTok?

Research focus: New cervical cancer treatment programme
The BBC has reported on new research into cervical cancer treatment – Biggest cervical cancer drug advance in 20 years hailed.
We have looked at the original research - LBA8 A randomised phase III...
The Guardian has reported on Why health and wellbeing should be at centre of urban planning. It starts by reminding us that the epidemics of cholera, typhoid and other infectious diseases of the...

Job Profile: Phlebotomist
The primary role of a phlebotomist, is to take blood samples.

Insomnia and Young People
Daisy Maskell is a KISS FM radio DJ and a long-term insomniac. She has found it difficult to sleep for as long as she can remember. Insomnia is a particular issue for young people and since...

Is the World Becoming More Allergic?
A fascinating BBC sounds programme on allergies. What are allergies? What purpose do they serve? Why do more people have them in high income countries? Can we cure allergies?