Study Notes

Weimar and Nazi Germany (1918-1939): Von Papen's Chancellorship

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 15 Jul 2024

Franz Von Papen was selected as Chancellor as soon as Bruning resigned. The immediate problem which Von Papen faced was controlling the Nazis. By this time the Nazis were a strong force in German politics.

In a hope to bring stability, Von Papen’s government called elections in July 1932. As with previous elections, the stability which Von Papen craved did not materialise. The election caused problems between parties often descending to violence. In some instances of violence, people died and many were injured.

In the election the Nazis managed to increase their seats to 230, making them the largest party in the Reichstag. With this success, Hitler wanted Hindenburg to appoint him Chancellor. Hindenburg, however, hated Hitler, referred to him as a ‘Bohemian Corporal’. Von Papen, instead of resigning, called fresh elections, gambling that the increase in support for the Nazis was temporary. In the November 1932 elections, the Nazis saw their support fall, but Von Papen was still in trouble.

The Nazis were still the largest party in the Reichstag, and Von Papen’s position became untenable. He was told to resign by Hindenburg.

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