Study Notes

Exoduster Movement - Impact


Last updated 24 Oct 2017

For many black Americans, the move west to Kansas was disappointing. By 1880, over 43,000 black Americans had settled in Kansas and this meant that much of the good farmland was taken.

For many black Americans, the move west to Kansas was disappointing. By 1880, over 43,000 black Americans had settled in Kansas and this meant that much of the good farmland was taken. Many Exodusters were left with difficult farming land and struggled to survive. Furthermore, many had believed the rumour that the land would be free and struggled to afford the fee to file a homestead claim. Many Exodusters had also become ill on the journey to Kansas, as they had travelled through areas infected with yellow fever.

The Kansas government attempted to assist the migrants by giving them a small amount of state funding to help them begin their life in Kansas. However, white Americans in the southern states were less supportive. They believed it was wrong of the government to help the migrants.

News of the difficulties of life in Kansas spread back to the south and by the 1880’s the amount of new migrants began to decline.

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