In the News

Mudslides in Sierra Leone

Joanne Parkinson

15th August 2017

Flash floods leading to fatal mudslides have engulfed residential areas near the capital; Freetown. At least 400 deaths are confirmed, but with thousands of people still missing, this figure is likely to rise.

Hillside town; Regent which was 15 miles away from the capital suffered from a huge landslide, which created the mudslide, which engulfed the area, washing away whole communities; leaving people with nothing.

Concerns still exist for the mountainous areas. Conditions are so unstable and wet that no-one can go into the areas to check the stability of the slopes. The UN is having to use drone technology to assess slope stability but this doesn't give an accurate picture. With Sierra Leone only being halfway through the rainy season, these events are likely to continue.

NGOs, including the Red Cross and Cafod have been struggling to cope with this humanitarian disaster. With thousands homeless and many people traumatised, having lost members of their families, the help is invaluable, although they are currently unable to cope. Mortuaries are full to capacity and with many people still buried in the mud, the likelihood pf diseases spreading is high; which will create an even bigger challenge for the country.

For more information on this event check out the following news report

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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