
Drones Take On Deforestation
Wow! What an amazing potential use of drone technology. Could this be one way of accelerating efforts to tackle deforestation?

Hadwin’s Judgement - An Environmental Thriller
Here is a review of Hadwin’s Judgement a documentary film about the environmental impact of logging.

The Great Green Wall of Africa
A super 8-minute lesson resource here from BBC Newsnight showcasing the Great Green Wall of Africa.

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power
Al Gore's new film is being shown across cinemas and the trailer itself is a powerful call to arms. Despair can be paralysing but there is plenty of optimism too in the Gore message.

Rising Sea Levels - So Get Ready to Live on Water...
As climate change leads to rising sea levels, it's no surprise that the human race is exploring ways in which more of us might be able to live on those rising seas!

Tracking changes in the urban landscape
Collaboration between Ed Glaeser, Cesar Hidalgo and fellow academics provides a superb resource on how the urban landscape is changing in a number of US cities.

Geography Teachers on Holiday - A Treasure Chest of Photos
Geography teachers love their vacations especially when they travel and find aspects of human and physical geography that feeds their inner passion for the subject.

Britain's Cities, Britain's Future
Cities are fuelling economic growth around the world. There are signs that several of Britain’s cities are growing once again, but there is a big gap between their performance and that of other...

Appropriate support to improve dairy farmers in developing countries
There is a general awareness of how gifts of a goat, or chickens can assist families in rural areas of developing countries. But Heifer International is all about aiding community-based development...

Demographic Change - Like a Python Swallowing a Pig
How is population change transforming our world? One idea is to think of a python swallowing a pig: a big bulge makes its way slowly down the snake from the head end to the other end

Animated live global weather - and now, forecasts
A new website and web app is allowing geographers to analyse real-time weather conditions as well as forecasts over a week ahead. In combination with synoptic charts, the two together can help...

There's Energy in Those Mountains
A great example of a highly flexible method of renewable energy generation here.

What is geography? From the macro - to the micro.
Just what does geography do - and offer - as a discipline? If geographers have often encountered difficulty in promoting their subject as a clearly defined area of focus as history, or method of...

Building effective and functioning cities
Here is a video recording of a talk given by Professor Ed Glaeser from Harvard Cities. He discusses how cities can become a crucial source of economic growth, and how the downsides of city density...

40 Maps That Explain the World
A fascinating series of maps that helps put things into context when it comes to broadening our understanding of the world.

Are Vertical Farms the Future of Agriculture?
Let your students watch this engaging 10 minute video on Vertical Farms and see how they respond.

Earthquakes: The Race to Make LA More Resilient Before the Big One
Meet Marissa Aho - the Resilience Officer for Los Angeles - who is leading preparations for the Big One.

Bad Weather in Moscow? It's Snow-Problem
Whereas the UK grinds to an entire halt the moment a few flakes of snow hit the roads, in Moscow the authorities are ready with some amazing kit to clear the streets.

Are Mega Cities the new Countries?
Mega Cities share many of the same characteristics as individual countries and they can learn much from each other, according to this super resource from BBC Education Correspondent Sean Coughlan.

The High-Rise Farms of Hong Kong
In big cities all around the world urban farming is starting to grow, if you’ll pardon the pun.