In the News

Death toll rises in USA wildfires

Joanne Parkinson

13th September 2020

More than 30 people have been killed along the west coast as fires spread. The states of Oregon, California and Washington have been badly hit.

In Oregon 40,000 people have been evacuated and 10 people have died - however, that number is likely to be significantly higher as fires continue to decimate settlements along its western border in particular. Portland has now got the worst air quality in the world as a result of the fires. Whilst the number and intensity of the fires are much worse in Oregon than in Washington; authorities are still trying to control 15 large fires there too.

California continues to suffer, as it has done throughout August, with 14,800 firefighters tackling 28 fires across the state. There has been at least 22 deaths since mid-August and this is expected to rise as there is no sign of the events being controlled soon.

For more on this story, check out the article here:

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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