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Canadian heatwave causes wildfires

Joanne Parkinson

3rd July 2021

Western Canada has experienced record temperatures over the past few days leading to a number of fires across the region. British Colombia in particular has been hit badly with lightning strikes causing widespread wildfires.

Many rural areas have been hit by fires and residents have had to flee many villages to safer areas. Due to the impact on the infrastructure, people have been left without access to a telephone signal, so have been unable to contact loved ones. A number of people are missing in the area as people frantically search for family and friends.

The village of Lytton, 160 miles north east of Vancouver had little warning before the fire engulfed all the houses within a 15 minute period. Residents had minutes to react and escape; many leaving behind their belongings as they fled to safety.

The immediate aftermath for many is devastating with many residents homeless and unable to return to the area as another hazard now threatens the already destroyed town. With high temperatures having been recorded all week, excessive glacial melting in the Rockies has led to flood risks, with the Fraser River now at risk of bursting its banks.

With many fires still burning in the region, the devastation is likely to continue for many days to come. For more on this story check out the following article on BBC News.

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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