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Forward Vertical Integration - SEGA Is Buying Angry Birds Maker, Rovio

Graham Watson

17th April 2023

Vertical forwards integration with gaming giant Sega buying game maker Rovio, responsible for the Angry Birds video game. It seems to be part of a current trend of platform owners looking to gain exclusive access to content, and in this case will cost Sega £625m.

That said, apart from Angry Birds and the spin-off movies, Rovio has struggled to produce a follow-up, so might the cost of the merger be relatively high, given that Rovio's operating profits are on the decline?

Please read: Angry Birds: Sega agrees to buy video game maker Rovio (BBC)

Sega to pay £625m for Angry Birds maker Rovio Entertainment (Sky News)

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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