Study Notes
Starting a Business: Franchises (GCSE)
- Level:
- Board:
- AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB
Last updated 22 Mar 2021
A business idea for a start-up doesn't have to be original. Many new businesses are formed with the intention of offering an existing business idea. The use of franchises is a great example of that.
The basic idea for a franchise is this.
A franchisor grants a licence (the "franchise") to another business (the "franchisee") to allow it to trade using the brand or business format.
That might sound a bit complicated! The trick is to remember that the franchisor is in charge - the franchisor is the original owner of the business idea.
Franchises are a significant part of business life in the UK. Examples of well-known businesses that use franchising to expand their operations include:
- Subway
- McDonalds
- Starbucks
- Pizza Hut
- Thorntons
- Molly Maid
- Prontaprint
You might have noticed from the list above that nearly all those businesses provide services rather than produce goods. Franchising is particularly suitable for service businesses.
Advantages of running a franchise
For a start-up entrepreneur, there are several advantages to investing in a franchise:
- It is still your own business – even if you are sharing the profits with the franchisor
- The investment should be in a tried and tested format and brand
- The franchisee gets advice, support and training. The franchisor will also supply key equipment, such as IT systems, which are designed to support the operation of the business
- It is easier to raise finance - the high street banks have significant experience of providing finance to franchises
- No industry expertise is required in most cases
- The franchisee benefits from the buying power of the franchisor
- It is easier to build a customer base – the franchise brand name will already by established and many potential customers should already be aware of it
- The franchisee is usually given an exclusive geographical area in which to operate the franchise – which limits the competition (since operators of the same franchise are not in direct competition with each other)
Overall, investing in a franchise is a lower risk method of starting a business and there is a lower chance ofbusiness failure
Disadvantages of running a franchise
There are several disadvantages for the franchisee:
- Franchises are not cheap! The franchisee has to pay substantial initial fees and ongoing royalties and commission. He/she may also have to buy goods directly from the franchisor at a mark-up
- There are restrictions on marketing activities (e.g. not being allowed to undercut nearby franchises) and on selling the business
- There is always a risk that the franchisor will go out of business
- The franchise needs to earn enough profit to satisfy both the franchisee and franchisor - there may not be enough to go round!
There are many good franchise opportunities available for a start-up, but some poor ones too. So there is still a need for the entrepreneur to do market research into the franchise
A franchise is a kind of "halfway house" for a budding entrepreneur. It is a lower risk method of market entry and it is often easier to raise finance. However, running a franchise does not offer the same kind of long-term financial rewards that owning a business outright can.
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