In the News
Impressive Numbers for the Amazon Echo

29th December 2016
One of the hottest battles for market dominance in consumer tech products this festive season has been between Amazon Echo and Google Home. The Echo is emerging as a winner and the product is sold out on the Amazon store until early next year.
You will find more statistics at Statista
Let me declare an interest! Having met the inventor of the Echo at a recent meeting at Entrepreneurship First in London, I bought an Echo and I use it a lot for basic information, playing music and switching between radio stations. There is a fast-growing Amazon Echo-System (pardon the pun) as developers such as Just Eat, Spotify, Sky News and the Guardian develop apps and content that the Echo can link to.
The size of the market for wireless speakers with integrated virtual assistants is expected to grow five-fold within the next five years, Expect to see an increasingly intense battle as both manufacturers and consumers become more confident, ambitious and comfortable in harnessing the potential for voice-enabled assistants.
You will find more statistics at Statista
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