In the News
External Environment | Multiple Threats for Small Businesses in York

4th September 2022
A terrific article here from Sarah Butler in The Observer, though worrying, providing lots of examples of threats in the external environment facing a variety of small business owners in the centre of York.
Here's the article. Absolutely packed with superb business application which students might consider.
What are the options for some of the businesses and their owners?
It looks like its last orders time at the famous Gillygate pub - which has just gone into administration.
"A rent rise, higher staff costs and more competition for his eight hotel rooms from an explosion of Airbnb properties in the city centre all took their toll" and the prospect of rapid increases in energy costs was the final straw.
Emma Mellor’s Handmade Rugs store is struggling with high delivery charges and she is worried that her customers will cut back on spending when their home energy bills rise, leaving households with much less disposable income.
Consumer confidence - or the lack of it - is also worrying the owner of the Galtres Lodge hotel and Forest restaurant.
Lower footfall amongst customers in York is another concern for the owner of Just Smile Designs, which sells homemade cards, printed mugs, kids’ clothing and other handicrafts. She is thinking of closing her retail outlet and just relying on e-commerce.
Not an easy read, but what would you do if you were running these businesses?
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