In the News

UK risks ‘turning clock back’ on gender equality in pandemic

Sarah Best

16th February 2021

In another story that could be used as part of a discussion about gender, the UK government has been accused of turning the clock back on gender equality as a result of the pandemic.

The women and equalities committee has warned that women are more likely to be adversely affected by a reduction in government support such as benefits. Women are also more likely to be responsible for looking after the children while continuing to work in the household. The committee has also said the government needs to consider support for other economic recovery projects as they are currently “skewed towards male-dominated sectors” such as infrastructure.

The article could also be used for the Work, Poverty and Welfare unit.

Sarah Best

Sarah is a passionate full-time Head of Sociology and Psychology and has worked in a variety in schools in the UK, and she is currently working in a British international school. She is keen to develop and boost the profile of both subjects.

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