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21st Century Sociology Contemporary Studies Workbook for AQA A-Level Sociology

in Student Workbooks

This workbook guides AQA A-Level Sociology students through 40 key sociological studies conducted in the 21st century.


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This workbook introduces students to more than 40 sociological studies conducted in the 21st century.

Students are invited to explore how the studies relate to sociological debates and other studies with which they are familiar, as well as considering issues relating to research methods.

It’s great to learn about the classic sociological studies, but it is important to remember that sociology is a living subject, and research is taking place all the time. The best answers to sociological questions demonstrate awareness of contemporary research! This new workbook gives students everything they need to do just that!

The studies featured in this workbook are:


  • Jackson, Paechter & Renold
    Girls and education 3-16: continuing concerns, new agendas (2020)
  • Waldfogel & Washbrook
    Low income and early cognitive development in the UK (2010)
  • Coffield and Williamson
    From exam factories to communities of discovery: the democratic route (2011)
  • Birdwell, Grist and Margo
    The forgotten half (2011)
  • Hallam & Parsons
    The impact of streaming on attainment at age seven (2011)
  • Payne
    Rewards & sanctions in the classroom (2010)
  • Kirby & Cullinane
    Class differences: the Sutton Trust Education Charity (2011)
  • Morris & Perry
    Girls behaving badly? Race, gender, and subjective evaluation in the discipline of African-American girls (2017)
  • Rees
    Ready for 2020? RSE and health education (2018)
  • Pinkett & Roberts
    Boys don’t try? Rethinking masculinity in schools (2019)

Families and Households

  • Levin
    Living apart together: a new family form (2004)
  • Ferudi
    Paranoid parenting: why ignoring the the experts may be best for your child (2008)
  • Chamie & Mirkin
    Same sex marriage: a new social phenomenon (2011)
  • Womack
    The best days of our lives? (2011)
  • Chambers
    A sociology of family life (2012)
  • Klinenberg
    Going solo: the extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone (2013)
  • Spijker and MacInnes
    Population ageing: the timebomb that isn’t? (2013)
  • Rushing & Powell
    Family dynamics of the stay-at-home father and working mother relationship (2015)
  • Wilby
    Is monogamy dead?: rethinking relationships in the 21st century (2017)
  • Blackstone
    Childfree by choice (2019)

Crime and Deviance

  • Winlow
    Badfellas: crime, tradition and new masculinities (2001)
  • Green & Ward
    State crime: governments, violence and corruption (2004)
  • Massari & Monzini
    Dirty business in Italy (2004)
  • Michalowski & Kramer
    State-corporate crime: wrongdoing at the intersection of business and government (2006)
  • Bowling & Phillips
    Disproportionate and discriminatory: reviewing the evidence on police stop and search (2007)
  • Castells
    End of Millennium (2010)
  • Jones
    Chavs: the demonization of the working class (2011)
  • Detica (information intelligence experts)
    The cost of cyber crime (2011)
  • Carrington
    Girls and violence: the case for a feminist theory of female violence (2013)
  • Office for National Statistics study (ONS)
    Public perceptions of crime in England and Wales (2017)

Beliefs in Society

  • Melton
    The Church of Scientology (2000)
  • Tolle
    The power of now (2001)
  • Halman and Darulans
    How secular is Europe? (2006)
  • Dawkins
    The God delusion (2006)
  • Aldridge
    Religion in the contemporary world: A sociological introduction (2007)
  • Mirza, Senthilkumaran and Ja’Far
    Living apart together: British Muslims & the paradox of multiculturalism (2007)
  • Bruce
    Fundamentalism (2008)
  • Collins-Mayo and Dandelion
    Religion and youth (2010)
  • Voas
    The mysteries of religion and the lifecourse (2015)
  • Harris
    Waking up: searching for spirituality without religion (2015)

Theories and Methods

  • Connor & Dewson
    Social Class and Higher Education (2010)
  • Department for Education
    ‘Next Steps’ (previously ‘the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England’) (2004)
  • Ritzer
    McDonaldisation of Society: New century edition (2004)
  • Levy
    Female Chauvinist Pigs (2005)
  • Bowling & Phillips
    Disproportionate and Discriminatory: Reviewing the evidence on police stop and search (2007)
  • Venkatesh
    Gang Leader for a Day (2009)
  • Wahl
    Making Sense of the American Census (2010)
  • Social Issues Research Centre
    The Changing Face of Motherhood (2011)
  • Klinenbeg
    Going Solo: the extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone (2013)
  • Payne
    Rewards and Sanctions in the Class (2015)


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