In the News

Why a new Supreme Court justice is urgently needed

Ruth Tarrant

16th May 2016

The US Supreme Court is still stuck with just 8 justices following the untimely death of Justice Scalia earlier this year, and the continued attempts by Congressional Republicans to slow the potential appointment of Merrick Garland (President Obama's centrist nominee). Whilst the remaining justices continue to do their job, the current make up of the Court is effectively a 50-50 split between liberals (loose constructionists) and conservatives (strict constructionists). Why is this a problem?

Ruth Tarrant

Ruth has been Subject Lead in Economics at tutor2u for many years after a career of teaching Economics, Business, Politics and Maths in a range of secondary schools. She is a highly experienced A level Economics Examiner, and also teaches undergraduate Economics on a very part-time basis at the University of Oxford. Ruth is passionate about making economics fun, engaging and accessible.

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