Topic Videos

Percentages Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 15 Aug 2017

Percentages is a broad topic which has many different aspects, each requiring an individual approach. Students frequently fail because they don't understand the topic as a whole, just learning one technique and applying it to all questions. Watch these videos and make sure you can distinguish one type of percentage question from another and know what is the correct approach to answering it.

Jack Brown goes through the common equivalencies that students should be able to either remember or calculate.

GCSE Maths from Scratch 5.02b Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - Jack Brown

HEGARTYMATHS takes things back to basics with a visual approach to finding percentages of amounts.

Percentage of an amount - HEGARTYMATHS

MrJefferyMaths goes through two reverse percentage questions.

Reverse Percentages (Edexcel GCSE Maths) - MrJefferyMaths

Ukmathsteacher looks at percentage change in this video

9-1 GCSE Maths - Percentage Change - New Spec Maths Course - ukmathsteacher

HEGARTYMATHS introduces the concept of multipliers and links these to simple percentage increase/decreases that can be done mentally.

Percentage increase or decrease (non-calc) - HEGARTYMATHS

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