Exam Support

Final Practice Paper 3 Higher (AQA and Edexcel)

tutor2u Maths

9th June 2017

Our maths team have produced a Final Practice Paper 3 Higher for AQA and Edexcel GCSE Maths (New Spec). Each Final Practice Paper 3 is based on the topics that were not examined in Papers 1 and 2 and may therefore come up in Paper 3 on Tuesday.

Each Practice Paper costs £5+VAT which includes a copy of the model answers - and is available for instant digital download.

Unavailable will be replaced with Add to cart as soon as the Final Practice Paper digital download is available.

We are also offering live walk throughs of our Final Practice Papers (both for AQA and Edexcel). During these 75-minute sessions, we will show you the best way to answer each question and answer any other questions you might have. These webinars will take place on Sunday 11th June.

The sessions cost £10+VAT which includes a download of the Final Practice Paper with the model answers. These will be made available ahead of the webinar so that you can have a go yourself first.

These webinars will be the final in our popular series of The Edge in GCSE Maths revision webinars. They are essential viewing for students taking the Higher tier GCSE Maths Papers 3 on Tuesday 13th June.

For more details click Register now below.

tutor2u Maths

​The tutor2u Maths team comprise experienced GCSE and A Level Maths teachers and examiners with wide experience of all the main exam boards.

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