Study Notes

Maternal Infections During Pregnancy

BTEC National

Last updated 23 Sept 2022

Contracting infections during pregnancy can be dangerous to the foetus.


One of the most dangerous infections is rubella. This is also known as German measles. The main symptom is a pink spotty rash that appears on the body.

Developing rubella during the first month of pregnancy can lead to the baby being born with visual or hearing impairments.

Most people are now vaccinated against rubella.

Group B Streptococcus

Group B Streptococcus is a type of bacteria that is found in a small number of people in either the rectum, intestine or the vagina.

It usually causes no problems in pregnancies. However, in a small amount of women it can infect a baby during labour as they pass through the vagina.

This can lead to serious health issues such as loss of hearing or sight if not treated, and other conditions such as sepsis and meningitis.

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