Study Notes

Early Elizabethan England (1558-1588): Walter Raleigh

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 15 Jul 2024

Walter Raleigh was an English explorer during the Elizabethan Era. He was a favourite of Elizabeth I and in 1585 he was knighted. Raleigh played a large role in the colonisation of North America, marking the early beginnings of the British Empire. He was given a grant by Elizabeth to explore North America.

Raleigh throughout his life was in an out of prison for a varying degree of crimes. He had married one of Elizabeth’s ladies in waiting without permission resulting in him being imprisoned in the Tower of London. He was against arrested for plots against James I and eventually executed in 1618.

During 1584, Raleigh was given permission to explore North America. This would have been the third time such an exploration was attempted. Raleigh himself did not go to North America but raised the funds and was a key champion of the cause.

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