In the News
Used, polluting cars sold to Africa
26th October 2020
14 million highly polluting used cars from the US, Europe and Japan have been sold to other countries, with 4 out of 5 going to poorer countries and more than half of them going to countries in Africa. Many of these vehicles have failed to reach safety and emissions standards in the exporting countries, yet have still been sold on.
There are currently 1.4 billion cars on the road globally, with that figure set to rise to 2 billion by 2040. The areas experiencing the greatest growth in vehicles are in Africa, Asian and Latin American countries. Due to many people in these countries being on low income, this has led to a booming market for low price exports. Not only are these cars dangerous and are blamed for a rise in accidents in many poorer countries, but they also give out more emissions of particulates and nitrogen oxides.
For more on his story, check out the following article:
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