In the News

Ukraine - Russia conflict and its impact on climate change

Joanne Parkinson

7th March 2022

A leading Ukrainian scientist who works for the IPCC has stated that the current issues occurring will narrow the window of opportunity for the world to tackle climate change. The time it will take for the Ukraine-Russia conflict to be solved is taking vital resources and discussion time away from the environmental catastrophe that will result from climate change.

The latest IPCC assessment on the impacts of climate change were about to be released when the conflict started and has had to be shelved whilst the focus moves on to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine.

What makes the situation even more pressurised is that of the supply of oil and gas to Europe from Russia and the way in which European countries are so reliant upon this supply. This will not only affect talks between Russia and other nations but could prolong the conflict, which in turn will affect the changes that are needed to reduce carbon emissions.

Many have said that the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources should have happened at a much faster rate before now. This would have made the climate crisis much easier to tackle. However, only time will tell as to how the current conflict will affect the changes needed to tackle climate change. It could be too late.

For more on this article check out the BBC news report.

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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