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Teaching about crime

Joanne Parkinson

24th January 2015

Great websites regarding the teaching of the Geography of crime.

I use the police website so that I can get my pupils to do some investigative work into their own areas and what crime has taken place. The site is great. You find your area and then zoom in on the map to look at particular local streets. The pupils love it as they know where they are looking at and there is a real sense of understanding the area where the crime has taken place. They then use the information to try and come up with solutions to crime in their area. We have presented some of the findings in assembly, particularly regarding crimes relating to assault, as a way of warning pupils to be on their guard during their journeys to and from school and when they are out with friends.

I also use the Oxford interactive crime map that shows how crime changes in different areas throughout different days of the week. The pupils love describing the changes and coming up with reasons.

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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