
Shining a Light on Appropriate Technology

Andy Day

8th April 2015

A key concept in Development Geography is that of Appropriate Technology. Growing out of the 'Small is Beautiful' movement promoted by Dr Ernst Schumacher in the 1970s, the appreciation that development strategies were more likely to succeed if they were in tune with the environment they were operating in, was in contrast to the big-budget, outside 'expert' grandiose schemes that had been attempted, and spectacularly failed, in the decades before. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Andy Day

Andy recently finished being a classroom geographer after 35 years at two schools in East Yorkshire as head of geography, head of the humanities faculty and director of the humanities specialism. He has written extensively about teaching and geography - with articles in the TES, Geography GCSE Wideworld and Teaching Geography.

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