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Sainsbury's go alone regarding "Fairtrade" products.

Joanne Parkinson

26th June 2017

The partnership between producer and retail outlets ensures that the world's poorest farmers are given opportunities to improve their standard of living. The change from "Fairtrade" to "Fairly Traded" is of concern to many.

Sainsbury's has decided to go on its own with regards to Fairtrade. Claiming that the "Fairtrade" brand and model is out of date due to its creation two decades ago, the aim of "Fairly Traded" is to move the business model forward; in particular, with its focus on climate change.

A spokesman for Sainsbury's has outlined that they will be looking to mitigate climate change by having more control over the agricultural systems; which seems like a good idea. However, many charities, including Oxfam have urged Sainsbury's to reconsider as it will affect all the work that has gone on in LICs to improve agricultural working practices and quality of life for the farmers.

The main concern is that under the new framework, Sainsbury's will be able to amend payments and working practices.

MORE: Not so fair trade: Sainsbury’s are misleading shoppers by replacing fairtrade logo with their own brand

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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