In the News

Climate not responsible for changes to Antarctic ice shelf

Joanne Parkinson

6th April 2019

Fears have existed for a long time that global warming could have significant impacts on Antarctica. Scientists studying the Brunt ice shelf have now released evidence to show that changes to the shelf, which have resulted in sections breaking off into the Weddell Sea, are entirely natural.

Studies of the area over time since the extent of the shelf was first mapped in 1915, shows that the shelf has moved significantly and that stresses within the ice have led to cracks appearing. Climate within the area has not changed so scientists are highly confident that the shelf is being affected by natural processes within the body of ice itself. For more information on this story, read the following report...

Joanne Parkinson

An experienced, outstanding Geography teacher, GCSE examiner and Head of Humanities in a 11-18 school. I'm passionate about all geographical events and am a keen blogger.

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