
See Dr Graham Gudgin lecture on 'Has the Economics Profession got it Wrong on Brexit?' for free - 3 October 2017

Jonny Clark

2nd October 2017

Our friends at the Economic Research Council have informed us that there are free places for teachers and students to see renown academic and Economics expert Dr Graham Gudgin, tomorrow night (3 October) in central London. The title of the lecture is 'Has the Economics Profession got it Wrong on Brexit?'

Students may find the talk particularly useful given that the topic could be a popular choice for university admissions officers during interviews over the coming months.

Information about the event is available here. Although you can turn up on the night, the organisers would appreciate an email to express an interest in attendance - please email Aimee Allam at aimee@ercouncil.org.

Jonny Clark

Jon Clark has been teaching economics and business studies for over 25 years primarily in the Further Education sector. Before joining tutor2u, he was a senior manager at South Cheshire College in Crewe.

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