
Bank of England School Visits

Peter McGinn

14th May 2018

At the beginning of this half term, we were fortunate to host Mauricio Armellini, one of the Bank of England’s North East agents.

The visit was arranged as part of the Bank’s new education initiative whereby schools can request a speaker to support the delivery of a range of subjects related to the economy. There are three options to choose from and more details of these can be found here.

My students found the session very beneficial. Mauricio covered a range of topic areas that further enhanced their knowledge and understanding of monetary policy. This included a critical discussion regarding the factors that the Bank consider when setting interest rates and the use of data to inform decision making. Mauricio didn't hesitate to grab a whiteboard pen and make use of some of the 'tools' that the students use in their lessons, including AD/AS analysis! Moreover, he gave the group an insight into the development of his own career and also possible progression opportunities that are open to them with the Bank, after they have completed their A-level studies. This was a really worthwhile experience and something that I would encourage all teachers to try and make use of.

Peter McGinn

Subject Leader for Business and Economics in a North East school. Moderator and examiner.

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