In the News

Trainline Floats

Geoff Riley

22nd June 2019

For many the USP of the e-ticketing business Trainline is the pure convenience of being able to book a ticket whilst stood on the platform and the real time information provided on platforms and possible delays.

Trainline floated on the stock market yesterday and shares were trading at a premium at closing bell. They have raised around £110 million but will keep only £93 million once fees are paid to the investment bankers who organised the public offering - a reminder that floating on the stock market does not come cheap!

Will rail travel continue to surge in the years ahead? Trainline's investors believe the answer will be yes and Trainline has pursued an aggressive growth strategy in selling tickets in nearly 50 different countries.

They are not necessarily the cheapest ticket provider - buying direct from train operating companies can help to avoid ticketing fees for example - but their intuitive system for e-ticketing reduces the friction costs of acquiring a ticket and for many frequent travellers, it is an essential companion app. A British business with an increasingly global reach is something to celebrate.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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