Teaching activity

The Elton Mayo Motivational Rap!!

Graham Prior

13th October 2016

Today I got sent this amazing rap from my good friend Jeremy Rowe, Head of Business at Oakham School.

The rap was written by one of his students, Freddie Davis


Our theory was of Elton Mayo, We didn’t have much but heyho,

His name Elton, But not Elton John,

There weren’t no Tiny Dancers, Just listen to my song,

Sit back, relax while I put my name on the map, Part motivational theory, part of my fetty rap.

Mayo believed that workers want more, From getting just money, working in a store,

All his studies true and we concluded, Elton had a point and he weren’t deluded.

Involving staff in decision making, Can be more motivating,

Than all the costs spent on staff training.

Manager interest shown, Worker support has grown,

Productivity seed is sewn, No need for that bank loan,

He said working in groups, And splitting into teams,

Prevents jumping through hoops, And keep motivational dreams.

In short the theory is based on communication, With quality circles and staff consultation,

So as one Elton said; the sun won’t go down on me, The other one focused on letting social needs be…..

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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