
Supermarkets to “demand” loyalty from their loyalty card holders!

Michael Albanese

17th January 2015

A perfect (yet ridiculous) starter to introduce supermarket competitiveness. This Daily Mash mock-news-article lampoons the ironic concept of the “loyalty" card and highlights the desperate situation that the Big 4 are facing due to the unstoppable growth of the loyalty-card-less Aldi and Lidl.It can be used as a spring board for discussions on customer loyalty, Unique Selling Points (or lack thereof), reliability of sources and strategies in the face of increasing competition. To ensure students don't quote the above article in their BUSS4 exam, below are some more serious ones from a reputable source!EnjoyBBC Sainsbury's sales fall furtherBBC Tesco to close 43 stores in the UKBBC Morrison's introduce club card

Michael Albanese

Assistant Curriculum Lead for Business and Law at Solihull Sixth Form College

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